2012年8月30日 星期四



喜歡學習不是一種retarded的行為,源於自己的不努力,因此取笑人的才是。我不是一個bright student,數理尤甚,可能與個性有關,整天只懂咬文嚼字耳,還不能算學貫中西,只能略略分享皮毛呢。


工作假期或修個MA碩士,對前途其實沒有甚麼幫助(別妄想在果園摘果實可以學好英文,讀書時與中國人混,那口英語還不是雞同鴨講),我猜這種算是「鍍過金、留過學」的名牌效應,一種affordable luxury,別笑,很多人連這種離開comfort zone的勇氣、學習的上進心也沒有的啊,所以無論如何,我也是敬佩的。

出走,一直有這種衝動,最近醞釀的決定,更是浪漫、奢靡、浪擲......但不瞞大家,我相信命,所以早陣子,去看了一次紫微斗數。綜合意見與內心聲音,出走是事在必行,而且是一人闖蕩。異鄉的日子,當然得make the most of it,但我更相信,有更多時間寫作。已經很久沒有再寫故事,過往曾有「寫故事當生日禮物」送給友人的浪漫舉動,現在彷彿被現實侵蝕,腦筋轉不過來,連想像力都倒退。


3 則留言:

  1. We just can't please everybody, but it may not be so important as long as we do our parts to be decent people and whether we are liked or not then becomes just a bonus.

    I'm glad that you will spend time overseas to broaden your horizons and please do make the most out of your journey. The more you see, the more people (or peoples) you meet, and the more exposure to different cultures, then maybe you'd agree to become a world citizen. Maybe After all this, you might actually find Hong Kong, our home, such a special place, if you do not already feel this.

    Constant praises from fans are nice and their support acts like caffeine that can give you a boost in your time of need, but true solutions most often come from yourself or real people around you, so I sincerely hope you will become even stronger than you already are and meet good friends in your upcoming journey; I wish you joy, safety, and full of serendipitous surprises in your journey!



  2. 妳今期所分享的話很感性啊!能透露多一點妳的出走決定是什麼嗎?

  3. 趁後生,想做就做!
